

  • 알림마당
  • 공지사항
응용생태공학 특별 웹세미나(webinar) 개최 안내
  • 글쓴이 사무국
  • 작성일 2020-04-02 17:49:40
  • 조회수 48577

응용생태공학회 회원 여러분!


코로나19로 위축된 학회활동을 되살리고 회원 상호간의 소통을 원활하게 하기 위하여 다음과 같이 실시간 원격 화상 세미나 (webinar)를 개최하오니 적극 참여하여 주시기 바랍니다. 


화상 세미나는 화상회의  앱 ZOOM (https://zoom.us/)을 이용합니다. 참가를 원하시는 회원께서는 PC와 휴대폰에 미리 ZOOM 앱을 설치하고 회원가입(무료로도 가능)을 하여 주시기 바랍니다.


화상 세미나 시작 20분전에 강연장을 개방하니 아래로 접속하시어 참가하여 주시기 바랍니다.



회의 ID: 971 131 4350 


1. 제1차 응용생태공학 화상 세미나 (KSEIE Webinar) 

- 일시:  2020년 4월 9일 (목) 오전 10:00-11:00

- 연사: 송근예 (Keunyea Song, Natural Resource Scientist, Washington State Department of Ecology)  

- 제목: Receiving water monitoring program related to Stormwater management and regulation in Western Washington   

- 내용: Stormwater has been identified as a major source of contamination entering the Puget Sound and has been implicated in the degradation of receiving water habitats and biota. Department of Ecology issues stormwater permit to regulate and manage stormwater to minimize its impacts on receiving water. As one of the stormwater permit requirements, receiving water monitoring program was developed to monitor receiving water health, and how their conditions change over time related to urban growth and stormwater management efforts in the region. During the first 5 years of the monitoring program, 2014-2019, the stream and nearshore monitoring were first conducted, lessons learned, and the first set of regional status reports published. Since the first round of monitoring, we made a few adjustments to the study design, which will be applied to studies starting in 2020. 


2. 제2차 응용생태공학 웹세미나  (KSEIE Webinar) 

- 일시: 2020년 4월 16일 (목) 오전 10:00-11:00

- 연사: 김정규 (고려대학교 교수)

- 제목: 생태공학적 시점 - 커피 찌꺼기 (Ecological engineered viewpoints on spent coffee grounds) 

- 내용: 원두커피점이 늘어난 만큼 커피 찌꺼기 폐기물도 쏟아진다. 커피찌거기의 발생과 재활용 현황을 살피고, 토양개량제, 바이오차, 중금속 흡착재 등으로서 커피찌꺼기의 생태공학적 이용성을 검토한다.


3. 제3차 응용생태공학 웹세미나 (KSEIE Webinar) 

- 일시: 2020년 4월 23일 (목) 오전 10:00-11:00

연사: 손경호 (Kyongho Son, Earth Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 미국)

- 제목: Modeling the interaction between climate, forest ecosystem and hydrology to estimate catchment dissolved organic carbon and nitrate export 

- 내용: Watersheds in the Catskill Mountain region of New York State have historically experienced soil and stream acidification due to atmospheric SO2 and NOx. deposition. Recent studies in northern Europe and North America have shown increased trends in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in streams and lakes. Reductions of acid deposition and increasing temperature and extreme hydrologic events have been suggested as a cause of increasing DOC. DOCs are known precursors for disinfection by-products (DBPs) some of which are regulated due to the suspected health impacts. Watersheds in the Catskills are the major source of drinking water for New York City and other communities in the region. Potential increases in DOC could therefore lead to increases in the DBP concentration in treated water, and a concern for regulating the water quality in water supply watersheds. Therefore, understanding and predicting the magnitude and variability of watershed DOC and nitrate become important for informing watershed and water supply management. In this study, we used a distributed process‐based ecohydrological model (Regional Hydro‐Ecological Simulation System [RHESSys]) to explore controls and predict streamflow, DOC and nitrate in Biscuit Brook; a sub-watershed in the Catskills Mountain. Biscuit Brook is a forested headwater catchment of the Neversink Reservoir, part of the New York City water supply system in the Catskill Mountains. Three different model structures of RHESSys were proposed to explore and evaluate hypotheses addressing how vegetation phenology, and hydrologic connectivity between deep groundwater and riparian zones influence streamflow and DOC/nitrate export. In addition, the impact of atmospheric N deposition in these simulations was tested.  Model results showed that incorporating dynamic phenology (climate-condition-varying timing of growing season) improved model agreement with measured streamflow in growing seasons and fall DOC concentration, compared with a static phenology (a fixed timing of growing season). Additionally, the connectivity of deep groundwater flux through riparian zones with dynamic phenology improved streamflow and DOC flux in low flow conditions. For stream nitrate, incorporating the connectivity of riparian zone and deep groundwater significantly improved summer/fall stream nitrate concentration, compared with the other two models. Stream nitrate concentration prediction is also sensitive to the timing and magnitude of atmospheric N deposition rate. In summary, this study suggests the importance of inter-annual vegetation phenology and the connectivity of riparian zone and deep groundwater storage and accurately specified atmospheric N deposition rate in the hydrology, stream DOC/nitrate dynamics in this forested watershed.


이전글 2019년도 기부금 모금액 및 활용실적
다음글 인하대학교-응용생태공학회 화상세미나 안내